
The point is that it is available to everyone and all good with Jagex

Clear that it somehow has immunity to Jagex's rule. Why Jagex allows it, I have no idea. The point is that it is available to everyone and all good with Jagex. Nobody is excluded from using osb therefore not making it "unfair".

Well, the OSRS Team has told them to RS Gold remove or prevented them from using featured before. But yah, third party clients are quite prevalent in OSRS and I don't see that changing. But while I don't expect the advantages of third-party clients will go away even if a good portion of players dislike them, that doesn't mean everything is inexcusable.

I think it really comes down to what is an advantage and what is an unfair advantage, which is something Jagex decides more than us. I don't think many would consider stuff like exp trackers unfair, but stuff like exact hp values and boost timers is more subjective. When a new feature like this comes out, it is to be expected that some may object to it. But while it is fine to express your opinion on it, I also think we should give OSBuddy and the OSRS Team time to respond before we freak out too much.Well as someone who doesn't use third-party clients, I can understand why. I don't think the client is going to hack me, but I also don't want to run the risk of it being compromised. And while I do like some features it adds, most I don't want and even if I can toggle them off it still clutters things.

But it is still a bit annoying when other players are at an advantage because I use the official client and they don't. It usually doesn't put me at a disadvantage much, but I still impacts the game I play.

Like when I see players using those chat commanders for stuff I can't see; especially annoying when friends pm them to me to show stats or such.Anyway, I'd say I'm more indifferent to it. I wish third party clients were still simple like the old days where it was just the game with hiscores, notepad, and irc on the side... And I'd like to see some more of those features in the main game so you don't need addons for it. But I don't hate the clients for existing or others for using them. I just prefer if they are reasonable in what add; and OSbuddy seems to be doing a pretty good job at that.

I don't think you understand how it works. OSBuddy is a THIRD PARTY CLIENT. The benefits everyone is talking about will only be available for PRO USERS, meaning people have to PAY MONEY TO A THIRD PARTY

CLIENT in order to use it. Besides that, Matthew said there was a bug with MacOS and OpenGL, so no, not everyone will be able to use it (yet).

I don't care about the whole OSBuddy thing though, I'm fine with it. If Jagex doesn't update their client, others will do. However it is giving certain players an unfair advantage and I don't know how far that advantage should go.Sellrsgold   Team

