
According to Jagex’s statement, RuneScape’s grand party will continue to celebrate the mini-games this week. The team also checked some behind-the-scenes information and made some updates to the farms owned by the players. By the end of J ...

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Runescape, and Jagex promised to hold special events in 2021. Today, celebrate the start of the Celebration of Combat event, which will provide you with a powerful RuneScape gold bonus to ensure your safet ...

Runescape, a long-term online fantasy game, celebrates its 20th anniversary today. The Old MMO made by Jagex was first released on January 4, 2001, making it older than Neverwinter Nights, World of Warcraft (or even Wikipedia, where I check all ...

Runescape has one product that has stood out in all the 20-year-old festivals: the humble party hat, although useless. Party hats can sell billions of OSRS gold among players and eventually become so valuable that they exceed the maximum amount ...

RuneScape has formulated a grand plan for 2021. Although many Jagex are kept secret, it revealed some plans in the 2020 Wintumber letter. Although 2020 is extremely important to RuneScape, it will get better in 2021. The organization is alrea ...

RuneScape will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2021, and Jagex will begin to sort out the activities we hope to look forward to in the coming months. The official RuneScape account on Twitter told players that they were "invited to the RS20 gr ...

Old School Runescape has released a closed Beta version on Steam to test its new game users and RS gold, and is contacting the community to provide much-needed feedback. Establishing a brand new client is never easy, but it may be the right move ...

In Old School Runescape, improving prayer skills is very important. This manual will introduce the main methods and techniques in detail. There is no doubt that prayer is one of the most difficult skills for free-to-play gamers to upgrade to ...

Update: Runescape 3 was released on Steam last month and was recently available on Nvidia GeForce NOW. Because it is a free game, there is no need to "collect" the game in the Steam library. Playing Runescape on the cloud gaming platform website ...

In Runescape, the construction contract is another way to improve character construction skills, and it is also a great way to have construction credits that can be used to purchase unique clothing, etc. In short, this guide explains how to star ...